One of the top reasons that people reach out for Tarot readings is to discover, explore and forecast the appearance and understanding of Love. Love is in the air, at least each and every February.  It makes me wonder if there is a surge of baby births in November from all the love being shared in February. In this article, I will focus on Love and will share several Tarot Cards that follow The Lovers on their journey through the Tarot.  It starts with the Major Arcana, the number 6, known as The Lovers.  Here we find a message ordained by the Gods themselves in such a powerful way as only the Major Arcana can provide.  Coming down from the sky, seemingly birthed by the Sun, an Angel appears to be blessing and bringing together our two lovers.  The female image looks up towards the heavens with open arms, flowing hair in her most innocent of “birthday suits” while the male, similarly clad, looks directly towards the female.  They stand upon the fecund earth, green with growth and the promise of prosperity. Behind the male we find a tree ablaze with golden and red leaves or could they be the flames of passion.  The female presents in front of a  fruitful tree, adorned by a serpent, wrapped upward around the tree’s trunk and gazing at our young damsel whose eyes remain cast to heaven looking for guidance.  As the sun shines magnificently, it bares the true angelic promise of happiness and Devine blessings.  Sound Familiar?  At any rate, it does mean that a big love is in the air and one of Divine Providence. In Tarot, the surrounding cards have much influence on how we interpret The Lovers.  However, it is always good to see such a Love as it is brought by the Universe as a gift.


When the Two of Cups card appears in your reading your spirit guides are telling you that Love and alignment are on their way, or have already manifested in your life.  If you are single, this card means that a partner with shared values and a soulmate connection is on its way. If you are in a relationship, this card means that you are in perfect harmony with your partner. Now, if the Two of Cups comes out in reverse in your reading , that generally means you need to focus within. Self love is just as important as your other relationships. This card in reverse can also reflect an imbalance in values and alignment. You may be out of alignment with yourself, or with your partner. You’ll need to take a deep look within to decide which applies to you.  If you are doing a reading about finances, this could mean a great partnership of equal balance and respect are about to occur in your life.

The Two of Cups is represented above by two people sharing their cups of love equally under the guidance of Divine providence, in this case represented by the obelisk of the Lion’s head with two wings which sits atop what looks like the Caduceus. The Caduceus is the staff that was carried by Hermes, as the messenger of God. Sometime the Caduceus and the Rod of Asclepius or the Staff of Asclepius are often confused with one another.

The Caduceus and The Rod of AsclepiusHermes, the fastest messenger of the Gods with the CADUCEUS.  Interesting Mythological Facts. The Staff of Painting of AsclepiusAsclepius is an important symbol of medicine that originated in the ancient world; a staff with a single serpent coiled around its base. The Caduceus was a staff that Hermes carried to indicate that he came in peace and his message was from the Gods. Caduceus originally had ribbons that flowed around the staff as banners of peace and the wings indicated it was the staff of Hermes, the messenger of the Gods then was also the fastest God in the Universe.  However, the ribbons were transformed into two snakes. According to lore, Hermes cast down his staff  between two fighting snakes to keep the two snakes from battling to the death.  The result was, through Hermes intervention, a peace created between the two snakes.  This is how the snakes then became affiliated with the Caduceus.  In myth, Hermes would carry the staff to show those he met that he came in peace as the fastest messenger of the Gods. Just as the Caduceus became associated with medicine, so did Hermes. However, Hermes is not the God of medicine as we know from our mythological sources.  The Greek God of Medicine is Asclepius, who, by the way, is the father of Hygiena (as in hygiene).  Over time, there was increasing confusion between the Rod of Asclepius vs. Caduceus, leading to frequent misapplication of the Caduceus symbol where the Rod of Asclepius would be more appropriate.

In ancient times, a snake was a symbol of rejuvenation, rebirth, new life, as a snake sheds it’s skin to gain a fresh new coat or skin to protect it.  The cycle is repeated as the snake matures and grows out of its own skin once again.  In ancient times, the snake was not the symbol of evil or sneakiness as it has come to be thought of today. The snake was a symbol of healing and rejuvenation.

The Two of Cups is a powerful card for relationships. This card represents unified love, and partnership. Similar to the Lovers card, this card in a reading means that a soulmate connection is on its way for you or has already appeared in your life. This card depicts two people presenting their cups to one another, showing mutual interest and connection. Again, like the Lovers card, this card can appear in reverse for your reading. This card in reverse also means self love and broken harmony. If you are struggling to go within and find love for yourself, take this as a sign to work on yourself. If you are in a relationship, take this as a chance to look at your partner and reassess your connection. Some things may need to change or be discussed to keep the fire burning.

THE LOVER’S JOURNEY The Lovers Journey. Building a Foundation of Happiness, All That Life Has to Offer, The Great Escape from Rocky Waters To The Calm New Lands Under Guided Protection of The Swords.

The Lovers Journey. Building a Foundation of Happiness, All That Life Has to Offer, The Great Escape from Rocky Waters To The Calm New Lands Under Guided Protection of The Swords.

The Lover's Journey

The Lover’s Journey Continues with The Devil Tarot Card Followed by The Tower Card, The Ultimate Forced Transformation.


Lets start with the good news first.  Beginning at the far right with the Four of Wands. Our Lovers are enjoying a great happiness built on the four pillars of stability; Love, abundance, home and fertility.  Soon to follow, all that life can offer, the Ten of Cups, each cup carrying with it abundance, joy, love, children, family celebration and appreciation.  The ten being the pinnacle of joy and also the completion of a cycle.  Should our Lovers find themselves in troubled waters, they have an out and it is by boat. The Six of Swords is about leaving the past behind. This couple and child are turning their backs to the choppy waters of the past and move to a more peaceful location under the protection of Six Swords, stationed at the bow of the boat at lookout point.  There are also two other possibility on life’s journey. We see the Devil, or Capricorn energy. The Devil card depicts the horning headed Devil with wings expanded. Such a powerful bigger than life image.  By scale alone the Devil can seem insurmountable.  He sits on a perch, beneath which is a lock whose chains gather around the necks of our Lovers.  How did they get in this position?  Who do they have to blame?  How will they ever get away from the watchful eye and grasp of the Devil.  Could this be an enslavement or something they have inflicted on themselves? Addiction or some sort of obsession is indicated.  However, our Lovers can easily escape simply by lifting the chains over their heads…but do they? We find them in a very similar pose as when they first started. The male with his attention clearly on his mate, while her glance is upward turning.  As we can see, both have grown tales and horns, similar to the Devil. Beside The Devil card is The Tower… a card of great, forced transformation.  This could be our Lovers’ way out.  Sometimes the best things to happen to us are not those things of our own making.  This could be a gift from the Gods. The  Tower  card  shows  a cataclysmic  event  with  everything  shaking  and  the castle ablaze as it is struck by lightening.  This is  an unexpected event of great magnitude.  The  only  way  out  is  to  jump to keep themselves from being burned or crushed by the rubble.  This, is the journey of our Lovers in the Tarot, where anything can and will happen….or  not.

Thank you for spending time with me today. I hope it has been an entertaining journey of The Lovers through the Tarot.  Remember, in Tarot as in life, you have free will.  It is up to you to make a difference in your own life by doing the right thing.

If  you did  enjoy this article, please let us know by liking and sharing our content.  And  remember to visit our gift shop, and sign up for a personal reading today. I wish you and your Lover(s) much joy and peace.

Libra – Social Butterfly Libra

Sept. 23 – Oct. 22

Libra is the seventh astrological sign in the zodiac. It spans 180°–210° celestial longitude. The Sun transits this sign on average between September 22 and October 23. The symbol of the scales is based on the Scales of Justice held by Themis, the Greek personification of divine law and custom.

Ruled by Venus, Libra is a loving sign that focuses strongly on partnership and prioritizes the needs of others. This sign of the Scales is blessed with a natural sense of right and wrong, making them very focused on justice, honesty, and fairness. As the sign of balance, Libra represents both the head and the heart — they focus on logic and fact to ensure everything is on the up-and-up, but really thrive in the mutual feelings and closeness of one-on-one relationships. Beautiful both inside and out, Libra stands for harmony, elegance, and equality. Justice

Major Arcana

The Justice card, as a member of the tarot deck, appears in early tarot, such as the Tarot de Marseilles. It is part of the tarot’s Major Arcana, and usually follows the Chariot, as card VIII, although some decks vary from this pattern. The virtue Justice accompanies two of the other cardinal virtues in the Major Arcana: temperance and strength.  The figure on the card holds a scale made of gold in their left hand, symbolizing a balanced decision.[1]

Minor Arcana

Libra, the social butterfly with head and heart, flits about through life, there lives a deep sense of truth.  In the two of swords one sword points to earthly foundations while other is raised to higher more spiritual ground. It is decision making time, but rather than weighing the scales of justice, Libra measures what is practical versus the value of what is best for the soul. With the three of swords Libra collaborates with comrades in arms working toward a common goal. In the four of swords are comrades are joined by one and are in direct competition with one another, creating chaos and trauma.  “Can’t we all just get along?” libra

Celebrity Libras

Will Smith, doles out justice with a slap.  Snoop Dog, gregarious and talented, and hugely successful handles his own deals and creates his own path. Simon Cowell, brings the world together under the umbrella of talent. Not always the friendliest guy in the world his family counts and he will go to every extreme to meet their needs and protect them.  Serena Williams, Kim Kardashian, Donald Glover, Selena Gomez all uniquely creative with undeniable personalities.

Lucky Numbers

Look for synchronicity with the numbers 5, 6, 9 because these are yours. And in terms of years, look for numbers that are 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60 or add to those numbers.  Go ahead now.  Just because we mention it here, we know you will find all sorts of coincidences related to these numbers.

Thanks for joining me Libras and friends of Libra.  See you next month when Scorpio raises its tail to make itself known.  If you want a personal reading or consulting services check out our packages.  They make great presents during the holiday.


Virgo – Balanced & Stable

Aug. 23 – Sept. 22

In astrology, Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac and its governing season is August 22nd to September 22nd. Folks that are born under the Virgo sun are highly aware of the world around them. They are ruled by the planet Mercury. They are known for their complexity and detail. Virgos are logical, practical, and systematic beings. They are Earth signs and are often known to be perfectionists in all aspects of life. Earth signs are known for their grounding energy and can ground those around them in tough situations with their strategic thinking. Their need to be perfect can also serve as a weakness if they aren’t careful. Their systematic nature can be confusing to others and can sometimes cause conflict among their coworkers and friends. virgo major arcana

Major Arcana Cards

Virgo is represented by The Hermit card. The Hermit card is depicted as a lonely man with a dark cloak draped over him. This card represents Virgo’s tendency to find fulfillment within themselves and contemplate perfectionism before venturing out beyond. The man depicted on the card is set on completing his own personal mission by his own personal means. The Hermit card in reverse means that you have drawn too far back from those around you and are focusing too much on your own thoughts. Earth to Virgo! Come back to us! 

#Minor cards 

Previously we talked about the Major Arcana card for Virgo. Now let’s discuss Minor Arcana Cards. The five Minor Arcana Cards for Virgos are the King of Pentacles, Queen of Swords, Eight of Pentacles, Nine of Pentacles, and Ten of Pentacles. Our Virgo’s are associated with the pentacles of the tarot deck. When these cards appear in a reading, they mean prosperity, success, and manifestation. 


Have you ever wondered who you are compatible with? Well, Virgos are very compatible with Capricorn, Scorpio, Taurus, and Cancer signs. Virgos are naturally pulled towards signs that can help them grow as people both in their spiritual journey and their material journey. Typical Virgos know what they want and when they want it. So a partner who is confident in who they are is a great solid match for Virgo. They won’t settle for anything less than they know is possible, making them serious relationship partners. Don’t be fooled though…Virgos know how to have fun and let go when they want to. Over all, they make great solid partners in relationships and friendships. 


Because of their systematic and precise nature, Virgos are great in careers that require a lot of attention to detail. Doctors, nurses, critics, writers, and teachers are often Virgos. They have the ability to see the tiny things that need fixing and don’t mind taking teeny tiny steps until everything is perfect. Virgos tend to love learning as well, which is great for those of you in the medical field! School might be hard, but you love the grind! They often do not feel satisfied and successful unless they get a job done well! Being a doctor or a writer can be gratifying for a Virgo because they can see constant results in their patients and their work. 

Celebrity Virgos

Looking at our Virgo celebrity line up, there is no doubt in our mind that Virgos are bound for success. The talented actress, singer, model, and all of the above superstar, Zendaya, is a virgo baby. Born September 1st, she has quickly grown into a world wide icon. At just 26 years old, she recently won her second Emmy award for her hit show Euphoria and became the youngest black woman to win twice in her category.  Huge congratulations to her! Sydney Sweeny, another breakout star from Euphoria, was born under the virgo sun. She too has proven that her attention to detail and strategic nature comes in handy when giving the performance of a lifetime. Prince Harry is a Virgo as well. As a prince, I am sure the pressure to be perfect weighs heavy on him, but luckily, as a virgo that comes naturally. Speaking of royalty, Beyonce, the queen herself is a virgo! Actor Keanu Reeves and actress Blake Lively were born under the Virgo sun as well. We told you you were bound for success! What a line up.

Lucky Numbers

Because Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac, naturally six is a luck number for those of you born during this period. Five and two are also very lucky for you, Virgo. Numbers are said to hold energy, so when you see these numbers appear in your life, know that they are bringing you positive energy for whatever situation you are in. When these numbers are duplicated, or repeated that only means their power is greater. Keep an eye out for these number signs and let us know what luck they bring you!

We hope your Virgo season was nice to you despite four of our planets being in retrograde this year. It’s almost over so hang in there and read our other blogs in the meantime!

LEO – Brave Hearted & Creative Leo

July 22 – Aug 22

It’s Leo season! In astrology, Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac and its governing period is from July 23rd to August 22nd. Its representation as a lion is usually linked with the Nemean lion slain by Heracles (Hercules). Folks that are born under the sign of Leo are natural born leaders. Leos are dramatic, creative, self-confident, dominant and attractive. They are able to achieve anything they want to in any are of life if they commit to it enough. Some of Leo’s weaknesses are that they can be a little bit arrogant, stubborn, self-centered and lazy. Leo belongs to the element of Fire, which makes them warmhearted, they are in love with life and they are always trying to have a good laugh. They are ruled by the Sun and they worship this fiery entity in the sky, quite literally as well as metaphorically. 

Major Arcana Cards 

Isn’t that just like a Leo to go and get two Major Arcana Leo has a tarot card associated with them as well. Leo’s card is The Strength. The Strength Tarot card is the Major Arcana card of inner strength. It represents mastering raw emotions in order to bring calm to yourself or a situation. However, this card usually refers to inner challenges. The Strength card represents a Leo’s physical strength, like the Lion on the card as well as your emotional, mental and spiritual prowess. Like the Lion, you are blessed with plenty of courage, which helps you overcome problems and obstacles. There is a reversed meaning of this card as well. When the Strength Tarot card appears reversed in your Tarot reading, it indicates that you are not tapping into the inner strength you have. It shows that you started letting fear, anxiety or low-self esteem influence you. This time it is really crucial that you focus on the positive and you stay away from people who make you feel inadequate and spend time with people who build you up and make you shine. 

Minor Arcana Cards

Previously we talked about Leo’s card in the Major Arcana, however Leo is represented by different cards in the Minor Arcana. The five cards in the Minor Arcana that are representing the Leo are King of Wands, Queen of Wands, Knight of Pentacles, Five of Wands, Six of Wands and Seven of Wands. Our fire sign, Leo is associated with the Wands of the Tarot. The element of fire can be linked to inspiration and generative creativity, primal energy and ambition, passion and sexuality. The suite of Wands represents much of the same themes of creative drive in our Leo’s lives. 


The signs that are best compatible with leo suns are its fellow fire signs Aries and Sagittarius. Leos are passionate and have fiery personalities and in a friendship or relationship they need someone that can match their energy. Leos can be intimidating when you first get to know them. They like to put on a show and can be hard to get to know.  Even though leos present hot and intense personalities, they are tender and loyal under the surface. When you really get to know a Leo, you will learn how deep they love. Leos are the pure definition of a “fire” sign. 


Leos are basically born with CEO genes. Leos are natural born leaders. The perfect career for any Leo is one where they can make decisions and lead a group effectively. Leos are also great problem solving, which can come in handy in any career, but especially as a company owner. Fun fact! Story Teller Tarot’s CEO and Founder, Janice Varney-Hamlin, is a Leo! Her fiery spirit and loyalty has brought her loads of success throughout her career. Are you a Leo? What is your career? Let us know in the comments! 

Celebrity Leo

There are so many iconic celebrities that were born under the Leo sign. Jennifer Lopez, huge icon who has revolutionized literally so many industries. Fashion, beauty, film, music, you name it she is right there, shining like a real star! Did you know that she is 53 years old? That woman needs to give us some advice how to not age. Sandra Bullock, American actress and producer was born in 1967, July 26th which makes her a member of the Leo family. She has had an extensive acting career and we don’t see her stopping anytime soon. Meghan Markle, star of the show “Suits” is now the star in Prince Harry’s eyes. Yes, we are talking about the Duchess of Sussex. What a change after being an American actress. Born and raised in Los Angeles, she is now a 41 years old Leo. The Disney Channel series: The Suite Life of Zack & Cody, does it ring a bell? Cole Sprouse, huge American actor and photographer was one of the main characters of that show. He went to New York University and he is now 30 years old. Am I the only one who did not watch Harry Potter? I know the answer to this… Yes! Daniel Radcliffe’s name was unfamiliar to me before realizing that he is a Leo. He is English and he started his acting career when he was 12. One of our generations most watched show is probably Friends. I don’t think we know a person who has not watched it yet. Lisa Kudrow, our favorite Phoebe was born in 1963, July 30th which makes her a Leo actress. 

Lucky Numbers

Leo is the 5th sign in the zodiac. If you are a leo you have noticed that the number 5 brings you lots of luck. Do you see a lot of 5s in your daily life? Or are you drawn to the number 5 in general? Leo’s other lucky numbers are 1 and 9. Seeing these numbers throughout your day can tell you that good fortune is coming your way. Are you a Leo? Let us know if 1, 5, or 9 are your lucky numbers in the comments. We love to hear from you!

Thanks so much for taking the time to read about Leo. I appreciate your interest.  Check us out on social media or book a time for a private reading.

Cancer-Let’s Kiss Under The Moon cancer blog.

June 22 – July 22


Quirky. Brilliant. Romantic.

Hey Cancer friends. Summer is hot and so are. you!  Cancer’s governing period is from the 22nd of June to July 22nd. Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac and it is represented by the crab. They call you the crab which is related to the crab in Greek mythology that pinched Heracles while he was fighting the Lernaean Hydra? That did not end well. Crushed by Heracles, the crab was rewarded by Heracles’ enemy, Hera, by being placed in the heavens. 

Revenge is sweet.

Cancer belongs to the element of Water and considered to be an emotional sign, but I like to think of cancer as passionate. Cancers are guided by their emotions and their heart. The moon rules them, therefore they create fleeting emotional patterns that are beyond their control. Cancers are quite sensitive so don’t be surprised if they start crying after you compliment them.  Cancer is associated with beginnings, origins, and the waters of the womb, growth, nourishment, and comfort. 

Major Arcana Card

The Chariot. Poised for Action and Battle.

The Chariot. Poised for Action and Battle.

As every zodiac sign is associated with a tarot card, Cancer has one as well. Your Card, The Chariot shows a brave warrior standing inside a chariot. You stand proud and strong as you guide The Chariot on your card, steering a steady course and rising above life’s conflicts. Even though Cancers seek security, you also love the freedom of the open road where you can use your highly-developed intuition to win the race or defeat your opponent. The upright meaning of this card is control, willpower, success, action, and lastly determination. The reversed meaning is quite different. It represents opposition, self-discipline, out of control behavior, and lack of direction. 

Minor Cards

Where there is water there is emotion. Where there is emotion there is Cancer.

In the Minor Arcana, Cancer is represented by several cards, the 2 of Cups. Cancer can be represented by any of the Cups Court Cards. Why? Cups represent emotions and Water signs. The 2 of Cups best represents the desire that Cancer has, which is to feel closeness with one other person in equal balance.  In addition to the 2 of Cups, there are more cards that represent Cancer in the Minor Arcana. Check out the picture below to see the full list of cards that represent Cancer.: The Ace of Cups representing new beginnings in Love, 2, 3, 4 of Cups representing equal offers of partnership, celebrations and not seeing the love in front of you, respectively. The Queen of Cups and the King of Wands are odd partners as they cross suits, but both bring two sides of a relationship together, the emotions and the opportunity to activate those emotions.


People born under the Cancer sign are most compatible with their water signs Pisces and Scorpio. Cancer lovers can be highly emotional. Pisces and Scorpio people are emotional as well, which makes them an excellent match for Cancers. These signs tend to move quickly in relationships and may scare away a sign that isn’t as emotionally open.  Cancers act from their emotions before anything else, so they sometimes need to keep themselves in check before acting out too quickly. On the flip side, their emotions can be quite beautiful. They love quickly and deeply and they typically don’t let logic and fear interrupt their intentions. Dating a Cancer can be great for people who like to know exactly what their partner is feeling at all times, even when it’s not what you want to hear. 


Being natural empaths, Cancers would thrive in fields such as a counselor or social worker. Cancer signs value the concept of family, making them a great fit for a counselor or social worker. They are also very suitable for realtors because they find joy in helping others find their next home. Any Cancer will thrive in any career where they can lend a helping hand to those in need. Their mission in this life is to bring more empathy and compassion to the world as a whole. Motivational speakers, thrift store owners, interior designers, and nurses will all be great careers for someone born under a Cancer sign. 

Celebrity Cancer 

Do you know any celebrities that were born under the crab sign? Ariana Grande, a famous American singer as well as an actress was born on June 26th making her Cancer. With 322 million followers on Instagram, she has become an icon for a lot of teenagers nowadays. One of the world’s highest paying actors (and one of the most handsome), Tom Cruise belongs to the Cancer family as well.  He began acting in the 1980s and he has had an impressive acting career. Have you watched Mission Impossible? I suggest you do if you have not yet, he plays in there. Oh, who has been longing for a Greek summer? I know I do. Meryl Streep, star of the movie Mamma Mia is often described as the best actress of her generation. Streep is particularly known for her versatility and accent adaptability. American rapper, Post Malone is known for his variegated vocal styles. He was in the movie of Wrath of Man and he has won numerous awards for his music. American media personality, Khloe Kardashian was born in June, making her a member of the Cancer family. She has gained a large following due to her family’s reality TV show. Lastly, one of the most influential people in this world right now (also richest), is Elon Musk. He does so many things it’s hard to keep up at this point. What is amazing about him is that he is purely driven by making a change for the future generation. He is the founder, CEO, and Chief Engineer at SpaceX; angel investor, CEO, and Product Architect of Tesla, Inc.; founder of The Boring Company; and co-founder of Neuralink and OpenAI. That took me a minute to write down. He has a net worth of 228.2 billion USD. Have you ever thought about when this guy sleeps? I have and I still don’t know the answer. Elon is a proud member of the Cancer family as well who was born on June 28th in South Africa in 1971. 

Lucky Numbers

Thinking of buying a lottery ticket?  Cancer’s lucky numbers are 2, 7, and 9. Any number that adds up to these numbers is also more likely to bring Cancer good fortune. Are you a Cancer? What is your lucky number? Pay attention to your surroundings and let us know what numbers you see around you frequently.

Want to learn more about your Tarot future?  Contact Us for a Reading.  Sign Up for Reading Today.

Thanks for stopping by.

Gemini – Hey Lover!

storytellertarot gemini blog the twins

May 22 – June 21

The Twins, The Lovers, True Partners

Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac in astrology. Geminis’ time to shine is from May 21st to June 21st (who am I kidding, Gemini shines ALL YEAR). Gemini is represented by a set of twins. Fun fact: in Egyptian astrology, it is represented by a pair of goats, and in Arabian astrology by a pair of peacocks. I think we should just stick to our astrology. 

Do you have Gemini friends whose response to anything they do (good or bad), is: “ I am a Gemini”. I heard this sentence probably a thousand times in my life. Why is that? I always ask myself. Geminis are always interested in everything, they are moving their attention from one thing to another, always changing perspectives and opinions. Gemini is characterized by the Twins, Castor and Pollux. As a result, Geminis are known for having two different sides they can display to the world. 

storytellertarot Gemini The Lovers Tarot Card

Each time you encounter them, they can seem like a completely different person. However, they are proudly saying “I am a Gemini” in every single situation. They are energetic, quick-witted, smart, passionate, and dynamic. They love to talk and involve themselves in deep conversations. Gemini as friends.  It’s important to mention that you have an opinion about everything which you will happily share with other people (obviously after you told them “you are a Gemini”). When Gemini truly taps in and shares their gifts, they become an unstoppable force of energy that motivates, inspires, and enchants the rest of the Zodiac.

As every zodiac sign, Gemini is also represented by a tarot card. Gemini, your card is The Lovers. So romantic. Your Tarot card, The Lovers, portrays the dual nature that every Gemini has. Making a moral choice between taking the high or low road is a typical turning point for you. This card advises you to carefully consider your possibilities and follow the path that your personal integrity dictates. This card can be analyzed in two ways: upright and reversed. When it comes to the upright meaning, The Lovers symbolizes perfect union, harmony, love, powerful partnerships that are blessed by the universe and attraction. It represents finding the balance within oneself. Geminis are learning to understand themselves, their own personal moral code, and what they value in life. This will automatically bring balance as well as harmony to their life. The reversed meaning of the card is that Gemini may be struggling to take ownership of the decisions he or she has made. This is causing a great conflict among our Gemini friends. If you are a Gemini, you may be feeling uncertain about the direction your life is going in. A very important thing to remember is that you are the master of your own destiny. Be accountable, learn from your mistakes, and let them go. By doing so, you give space for better things to come. 


Minor Arcana of Gemini – Looks Foreboding Doesn’t it? Oh, Contraire.

Not just The Lovers Major Arcana cards of the Tarot, but you can also find Gemini energy in this foursome below.  Knight of Swords, 8, 9, and 10 of Swords are cards carrying Gemini energy in the Minor Arcana. They are great advice cards, so pay attention.

Knight of Swords. The Knight of Swords comes charging In with a clear and direct offer and/or message. He is on task, fast and bold. The Knight of Swords is solid and means what he says. When communicating with the Knight of Swords be clear, direct, organized and focused.   You will get much further, faster.

 Nine of Swords.  She does not look very happy, does she? Each of these swords are above her, in her thoughts, dreams and in her head.  The swords have not actually cut her at all.  She has merely dreamt them up.   If you get the Nine of Swords in your spread, then it is time to check your thoughts. Cease obsessive behavior and cyclical thinking.  Get out of the house, go for a walk and then come back and create an action plan.  The Nine of Swords is so different than the Ten of Swords…The Nine of Swords is recoverable. Develop a new approach, be bold, go for what you want and by all means do not self-sabotage. The number nine is a building number, almost done, but not quite yet.  Combining the number 9 with the swords means put on your thinking cap and try a new way to complete your project that will refill you with excitement.

Ten of Swords.  Wow! Going, going gone!  How many swords does it take to kill someone?  Even though we see all of these swords piercing this poor and dreadful person’s body, there is still a glimmer of hope as the victim is making every attempt to lift themselves out and escape from under the swords. Yes, they are hurt and horribly wounded…but not dead yet.   If you receive this card in your spread, it could be time to get up and walk away, live to fight another day.  This person has been hurt, either emotionally, physically or spiritually and a could benefit from a “Get out of Jail Free” card.  

Eight of Swords. Who is this woman who has been caught in a cage of her own making?  If she looks up and scans the terrain, there is great abundance waiting for her. She can escape this trap easily, just by either pulling the swords out or just walking around them.  Advice. Stop the pity party and get moving.

Gemini Compatibility

storytellertarot gemini, aires, libra

If you have been keeping up with our past zodiac blogs, you know that any sign is most compatible with its fellow element signs. Being an air sign, Gemini is most compatible with fellow air signs Aquarius and Libra. These signs have a great understanding of Gemini’s mind, making relationships strong. Fire signs such as Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, often have similar characteristics to Geminis making them a good fit for romantic or platonic relationships. Now we’ve all heard the stories about dating Geminis. Or maybe you have a story to tell yourself. As we mentioned before, Geminis have two different sides to their personality, and dating them can feel like a rollercoaster of emotions. Some people like this type of unpredictability which draws them to Geminis left and right…And I may be speaking from experience. We think Geminis get a bad rap. Sure they can be unpredictable, but they have a true gift for empowering and inspiring others. And unpredictable can be fun. 


As we discussed before, Geminis have charming and enchanting personalities. These personality traits come in handy in many situations in a Gemini’s life, especially in their career. A career in communications is a great fit for Gemini because they know how to change their personality and language to best fit a situation. Gemini people love to learn and adapt so a career that is constantly changing will keep Gemini entertained. Many Geminis work in media because the narrative is constantly changing and the work is never the same. They are often good at many skills which makes picking a career easy. They are quick thinkers who work well in fast-paced environments. The downfall to their constantly changing personality is that repetitive or consistent tasks will make Gemini feel uninspired and unmotivated. Are you a Gemini? Take a look at your current career choice and let us know if this feels true to you. Is your job constantly changing? Do you feel inspired? Or is it time to switch things up? 

Celebrity Gemini – Johnny Depp Says It All

sotrytellertarot Gemini Celebrities

What a lucky month for Johnny Depp. In the June of 2022, he is not only celebrating his 58th birthday, but he is celebrating his bank account growing by $15 million. We have all heard about the defamation trial that was going on between him and Amber Heard these past months. In the end, Johnny came out to be the winner of the trial, but what can I say… he is a Gemini so we should have known this already. Angeline Jolie, filmmaker, actress, and humanitarian, Gemini family member. She has been named Hollywood’s highest-paid actress multiple times. What is really admirable about her is her efforts to help our Earth in any way she can. Jolie established the Maddox Jolie-Pitt Foundation in 2003, a conservation organization dedicated to preserving Cambodia’s environment and endangered species. The charity also established a landmine clearing initiative in Cambodia in order to alleviate extreme rural poverty. Yes Ladies, Tom Holland is a Gemini too. Most of us know him from Spiderman, however, some of us know him as Zendaya’s boyfriend. Both of them are big achievers I would say. When we talk about legendary actresses, we have to mention Marylin Monroe. She was a popular sex symbol in the 1950s and early 1960s, and she was an embodiment of the sexual revolution of the time. This woman lived lavishly and spent her money freely on clothing, jewelry, and her home. What can I say? She is a Gemini. She left a significant impact on the world, people still talk about her. In fact, Kim Kardashian wore Marilyn Monroe’s birthday dress at the Met Gala this year, after losing 16 pounds in 21 days. Did that woman not eat or what? Speaking of Kim Kardashian, ex-husband Kanye West is in the Gemini family as well. He is an American rapper, record producer, entrepreneur, and fashion designer, one of the greatest and most influential hip-hop musicians of all time. His successful brand “Yeezy” has been huge amongst today’s youngsters. Last but not least, Morgan Freeman was born in June of 1937. He is known for his extensive acting career in a wide variety of film genres. He can also be recognized by his distinctively deep voice and calm demeanor.  He is one of the most respected figures in US cinema. 

Gemini’s Lucky Numbers. 

Gemini’s Lucky Numbers are 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 19, 52, 68.  In the Tarot, the combination of numbers get added together to produce a Karma number…as in the above series, 6 + 8 + 14 or 5. So any derivative would also be construed as one of Gemini’s Lucky Numbers.

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Aries – The Entrepreneur

Aries – March 21 – April 20

Self-Confident and Charismatic

Aries. Your Tarot card is The Emperor, the guy who will always be there when you need him. Principled, Responsible, Get The Job Done, Attitude…but do it with fun. Aries is ruled by the fire planet and is filled with energy and a sense of adventure.  Not afraid or risks and very self-confident, many entrepreneurs find themselves born under the sign of Aries. The Emperor sitting on his ram engraved thrown, represents your sign’s loyalty and ability to stick by your friends through thick and thin.

Aries ~ Major Arcana Tarot Card is The Emperor.

storyteller Tarot - Aries The Emperor

This Emperor Says It All. He not only holds the key to his own destiny, but may very well own the key to yours.

Like the royal figure of The Emperor, you use your authority and analytical powers to help others and to achieve your goals mark the beginning of something energetic and turbulent. Its ruling planet is Mars which belongs to the element of fire. Aries is represented by the ram. In Greek mythology the ram was sacrificed to Zeus, who placed it in the heavens as the constellation. As known, each sign is associated with a Tarot card and in this case that card is The Emperor. It represents the person who will always be there when you need him. We need to befriend some Aries if we haven’t yet, don’t we? This card is the representation of your sign’s loyalty and the ability to stick by friends whatever hardship comes. As the royal figure on the card implies, you use your authority and analytical powers to achieve your goals and help others. As mentioned before, if you are looking for a friend who will stand by you no matter what, look for an Aries. How does Aries’s personality stand out from all of the other signs? They like to do things their way and Aries are highly action-oriented and competitive. They are unafraid of conflict, and they like to take risks. Their bravery is one of the most commendable traits they have, however it can cause them a lot of pain as well because of how they just throw themselves out in the world and let no fear in. Their passion, boldness, and confidence make our Aries so unique and very inspiring at the same time. Who would not want a friend who just says one day: “Let’s start the business we have been dreaming about since a young age.” Well, I know I do. As every human being, we have mistakes, so as Aries. They tend to be impulsive and impatient sometimes. And hot headed…But we know that comes from being bold and passionate. If an Aries says “I don’t care”, they actually mean it. No offense. They are prone to reckless risk-taking which could lead to some difficulties.


The Aries Minor Arcana Cards.
Minor Arcana Cards of The Tarot representing the Astrological sign of Aries.

Aries is represented in the Minor Arcana through the Wands, fire, adventure, charisma and action.

The Ram’s Head. Any time you see the head of a Ram on a Tarot card, you can be sure that Aries energy is present. The Queen of Wands, fertile, majestic, protected by nature and although the lion, or Leo, is depicted in her thrown, the energy of Aries is seen throughout the Queen of Wands.

The King of Pentacles is the Emperor of the Major Arcana and carries those same energies but to a lesser extent. The 2, 3, 4 of Wands represent the dreamer, the adventurer and the manifestation of family love, abundance and solid relationships. Love, Joy of Life, Charisma, Attraction, Loyalty, Stability, Fate Bound, Family Orientations; these are qualities that make Aries irresistible and trustworthy. These are how the Minor Arcana cards of Aries should be interpreted when they appear in a Tarot card reading.

Compatibility.  Aries in romantic relationships and friendships. They are most compatible with Libra because sometimes opposites attract each other, additionally with Sagittarius and Leo, the fellow fire signs who will be able to understand their passionate language. They are incompatible with Cancers because Cancers tend to take everything personally and as you read before, Aries have no filter. An Aries- Capricorn match could be challenging as well because Aries do not want to be restricted or restrained. 


Careers ~ Can You Say Entrepreneur.

Sam Walton - Founder WalmartMukesh Ambani, Richest Business Man in India.

What do Steve Balmer, Sam Walton and Larry Page have in common?  They are all Aries.  So is one of the richest men in the world, and certainly the richest in Asia, Mukesh Ambani. No matter where you look, most sources will say the number one job for an Aries is an entrepreneur.  Like we mentioned before, Aries are always there when you need them, they help others achieve goals, and they have a sense of authority and trustworthiness. With all of these “bossing up” skills they are natural leaders and will be successful running a business. Aries also make great doctors and surgeons. Any job where Aries can have authority, creativity and power will be a great fit. 

Celebrity Aries.

storyteller tarot's Aries Celebrities

Are you as excited about the reunion of the Sex in the City stars? And just like that, our beloved icon, Sarah Jessica Parker is an Aries. It’s hard for me to put on a poker face when Lady Gaga is in the Aries family too. Since Aries has a lot of pride, I have to mention the movie Pride & Prejudice star Keira Knightley who is also an Aries celebrity…Elton John, Quentin Tarantino.  If we are talking about movies we should talk about theater too. Jonathan Groff, the best and funniest king in the Broadway hit Hamilton, is also an Aries. 

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Pisces – Inventors

Pisces – February 18 – March 20th.

The Moon, Two Fish and A Monster.

       Were you born under the sign of Pisces? If so, you will intuitively want to keep reading. Pisces is the 12th astrological sign of the zodiac and therefore rules the 12th House, that of the Subconscious, the Unknown and the House of Invention. It is a water sign and is symbolized by two fish tied together and often times depicted as the Yin and Yang, the black and white side of life and the continuous search for balance between the two.  

The story of Pisces dates back to the Greeks and is related to the Greek myth of Aphrodite, also known as Venus and Eros, her son, also known as Cupid. The myth tells the story of Aphrodite and Eros being chased by the monster, Typhon.  To escape the monster, they transformed themselves into fish, or, swam to safety.  In another story, Aphrodite transformed herself into a shark so she could fight off the powerful Typhon and save her son. In the Pisces sign, two fish are swimming in different directions which represent the division of Pisces’s attention between reality and dreamworld.

Pisces’s card is The Moon. A sign of mystery and secrets, the moon represents something that is hidden or something that is about to be revealed. It all sounds so mysterious, but what does it really mean? The Moon card represents one’s ability to rely on instincts and intuitions, while Pisces is known as the most intuitive sign of the zodiac. This is why Pisces energy is also found in The High Priestess as she rules the subconscious and helps to navigate between what is instinctual and what is real. What we see and What we know. Pisces are sensitive and are at their best when they harmonize with nature’s cycles and use them to refresh intuitive powers.

As you can see by studying The Priestess Card, she appears to be channeling between what is not seen, what is a secret and what is known. She is the translator of dreams and one of the most powerful cards in the Major Arcana. Pisces, being represented by the number two; the symbol of two fish, carries its energy into two Major Arcana cards of the Tarot. The Moon, Number 17 (reduced to eight) and the Two of Cups (The Lovers Card) reinforces that the two is an important number in the life of a Pisces. Two represents union, decisions, dreaming, new plans, and brainstorming.

Pisces as the High Priestess rules the 12th house and over the subconscious.

Pisces Energy Can Be Found in the High Priestess

     Famous Artists and World ThinkersPisces is naturally compassionate and empathetic and is one of the most if not THE most sensitive signs of the Zodiac.   Selflessness and self-sacrifice are beautiful traits that Pisces have, but on the flip side, this can result in being too needy, vulnerable and codependent in love relationships. However, much of this sensitive nature results in some of the most beautiful and inventive gifts to the world.  Just look at the works of Michelangelo, Renoir, La Tour, yes, very sensitive, big thinkers and willing to share. Did I mention, Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs and Dr. Seuss were born under the sign of Pisces. Pisces have the ability to look at the world as no one else does and develop creative solutions to problems most of us have not even seen. They have a special kind of genius.

     Whether you are, or, even if you know a Pisces, then you can relate to the nuances of the Pisces personality. It is important to mention that Pisces can be easily swallowed by emotions because of the sign’s immense sensitivity. What a great thing that is! To feel and to be vulnerable. A lot of people think that feeling a lot of emotions and showing them is a weakness. On the contrary, it shows strength and courage. We love brave Pisces! Pisces has the hard job of taking what is being felt and translating it into words and thoughts that most of us do not quite understand. You may sometimes feel like you are walking on eggshells when you are around a moody Pisces.  That’s because you are, and it can be very frustrating when they just do not want to tell you what is on their mind.

“If you don’t know why I am mad, I am not going to tell you.”

Pisces is naturally compassionate and empathetic and is one of the most if not THE most sensitive signs of the Zodiac.  Selflessness and self-sacrifice are beautiful traits of this month’s sign, but, once again this can evolve into being too needy, vulnerable and codependent in love relationships. 


Minor Arcana Tarot Cards Representing Pisces’ Energy

Additional Cards that Carry Pisces’ Energy:  Page of Cups (Good News Bearer), Two of Cups, (The Lovers and Sacred Unions and Partnerships), Ace of Cups, (New Beginnings In Love and Creativity).



Pisces are most compatible with their fellow water signs, Pisces, Cancer,  and Scorpio or the grounded Capricorn. Pisces can be passionate and intense in a relationship. Because of their intuitive and sensitive nature, being with a Pisces will create a very strong bond. When Pisces get out of a relationship, they tend to hang on a bit longer than they should. They are masters at encouraging their partners to be more honest and reach deep for their feelings. Opposites can attract, for example the dreamy Pisces needs a Capricorn to keep them grounded, a Cancer to keep their creative flames lit, and Scorpio to ignite their passion.  A fiery Sagittarius paired with a romantic Pisces could be an astrological “odd-couple” but the two signs actually have a lot more in common than not. With their shared spiritual values, a similar philosophical worldview, and a “true love or bust” approach to romance, it’s not hard to see why Justin and Hailey Bieber fell in love and tied the knot twice.  Are these two in love or what?



     As mentioned before, Pisces are full of artistic and spiritual gifts. No wonder why unique and out of ordinary careers will be the fit for the high risk and creative personalities of the twin fish. Pisces are expansive, adaptive, and have imaginative natures that make them uniquely suited for jobs where they can heal and support, or be creative and inventive. You are not likely to have a job that is highly stressful, risky or high paced. You need a safe and private place where you can be fully focused in order to be able to let yourself connect, dream and follow your intuition. Professions that you will thrive in are poets, musicians, painters, and intuitive counselors. . . or maybe jumping out of an airplane for the fun of it.


Celebrities – Name That Pisces and Win A Free Reading.

The First Five Entrants to Name Each Pisces Correctly and Send Them To Janice@Storytellertarot.Org Will Receive One Free Reading.


     Many of your favorite stars are Pisces. Millie Bobby Brown, Rihanna, Justin Bieber, Simone Biles, and Daniel Craig are all born under the Pisces sun. Like we said before, Pisces are very artistic. It is no surprise that these actors and musicians are Pisces. As for Simone Biles, true fans have watched her fall head over heels for her boyfriend Jonathan Owens. Their romance has been a huge topic of discussion and after a year and a half together, they announced their engagement this Valentine’s Day! Congrats to the happy couple! Jonathan also happens to be a Cancer. Are you surprised? We aren’t! This month we are offering a 30 Minute Tarot Card Reading at no cost to the first five people who can name all of the celebrities above.  Make your submission using this form to enter.  Contest ends on March 21st. 

"Name That Pisces Celebrity". Entry Form. is offering a free 30 minute Tarot reading to the FIRST FIVE fans who can name each of the 17 Pisces celebrities depicted in the Pisces Blog Website correctly. Enter Now and Win. Offer Ends March 21, 2022.

Your Number ~ Your House

     Pisces is the 12th sign of the zodiac and rules the 12th House of the Zodiac. The Twelfth House is commonly referred to as the House of the Unconscious—the house of the unseen realm, of sorrow, of shadow, and of invisible enemies. The unconscious state can help engender our successes, as well as assist us in coping with our failures. Success vs. Failure: do we consciously confront our lives or subconsciously sweep things under the proverbial rug? This house might more aptly be called the House of Reckoning, since it is in the Twelfth that we review what we have been (and done) and decide where we go from there. Along with these unconscious musings, we also deliberate on strengths and weaknesses that are hidden from public view. 

About Storyteller Tarot

     Welcome to Storyteller Tarot! StoryTeller Tarot was started to provide insight and hope for those looking for guidance.  We all have a story to tell and Tarot Cards are no different. Each reading tells a story about you, your circumstances and those around you.  I know some readers online say, “Take what resonates with you and leave the rest.” I do not agree with that.  I believe that each reading is for a specific person. It is for entertainment and fun and maybe there will be some guidance or wisdom you will get out of it.

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Aquarius The Humanitarian

Aquarius – January 20 – February 18

The Water Bearer – The One For Who Life’s Energy Is Always Flowing

Did You Know that Aquarius is not a water sign and Harry Styles has an Aquarius tattoo on his body? However, they are called the Water Bearer, you can see how it might get confusing. This article is full of surprises, fun facts (and memes).

Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac. It is a fixed air sign ruled by Uranus, which is the planet of innovation, space travel, invention, expansion and aerodynamics. Aquarius’s symbol is the water bearer, which represents the gifts of truth and pure intentions 

storytellertarot Aquarian Energy is The Star

that Aquarians bring to this world. Is it Aquarians or Aquarius’? At any rate, Aquarians have a sense of balance, replenishment, and rejuvenation. You can sense their self confidence when you are in their presence. They are able to see things from multiple perspectives and use their balanced nature in every aspect of life. They are creative, innovative, and optimistic. Don’t be fooled. Even though Aquarius sounds like “Aqua”, this sign is actually not a water sign. Aquarius is an air sign. 

The card that is associated with the Aquarius zodiac sign, is The Star the number 17 or reduced to 8 in the Major Arcana. This card focuses on optimism and wish fulfillment. When you wish upon the stars, you really believe you can achieve your heart’s desires. Your job in this world is to convince others they can too, thereby helping to lead them home in a spiritual sense. Like we said before, you are a balanced creature. On the star card, the woman is pouring water out of the pond, into a stream that runs back into the pond, refilling it. She also has one foot in the water and one foot on land. She is keeping a balance in her stance and her actions and thus becomes a conduit for all that is solid and all that is air. 

Minor cards

With Aquarius you are going to learn the Truth whether you want to or not.  They are going to tell you how it is. Besides The Star Card, Aquarian energy can be found in the King of Swords, the Queen and Knight of Swords.  You have to balance their commitment to the truth, with their charm, wit, and their willingness to communicate.  Can you imagine going to their house for dinner? Aquarians would say, “Excuse me but you have food stuck between your teeth.”  Good to know, yes, but embarrassing.  Other signs might wait until you leave the room and say to everyone else, “Did you see that big piece of spinach stuck between her two front teeth?”. Which I think is worse, but Aquarians will tell you about it in the kindest or sometimes not so kind way. 

Do they have flights of fancy?…Oh yes they do, like no other sign.​​ However, their grounded energy as they seek to improve, makes an Aquarian worth a listen.

Compatibility & Relationships

Naturally, Aquarius’ are most compatible with their fellow Air signs, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius. If you are an Aquarius, you are most attracted to people who connect with you mentally. You need a partner that you feel safe with expressing your ideas and someone who is as intellectual, logical and is equal to you. You can be emotionally closed off, so being open in a relationship can be difficult for you. It is important that you are comfortable enough with your partner to open up.  Aquarius’ value individuality and are comfortable letting their partner be independent as well. 



Aquarians are really unique people because they care so deeply about what’s best for humanity and the collective. They feel the happiest and most satisfied with their jobs when they are involved with sustainability, the future of the planet and collective harmony. Because of that, the jobs that they most likely excel in are professors, scientists, environmental engineer, astrologer and social worker. Higher education is an excellent field for Aquarians.

Aquarian Careers

Aquarians The Humanitarians.

They have a unique way of figuring things out and passing it onto others. Aquarians have passion and love for testing out new things and theories, so it does not come as a surprise that they would be excellent scientists. In addition to that, science is extremely innovative and as mentioned before, that is one of the traits of our beloved Aquarians. Do you have a deep care for the environment? Aquarians say yes! They are ready to make plans for the future so they can try to protect the environment in unique ways. Well, well, well. Aquarians make good astrologers? Big yes! Intuition and intelligence is definitely required for this kind of profession. Reading natal charts and following the transits for Aquarians is like making the bed in the morning for us. Quite easy. Why? Because Aquarians are gifted when it comes to astrology. Lastly, social workers help other people in need. Because of their skillset, they are able to help individuals and families in unique ways and find the best method to solve the problem. We can see that there are a lot of professions out there that Aquarians can be successful in. I would like to add here that the sky’s the limit for each and every one of us. You will be successful in whatever you do, if you put your mind and heart into it… and hard work.


Michael B. Jordan, Paris Hilton, Oprah Winfrey and Harry Styles Are All Aquarians

Michael B. Jordan, Paris Hilton, Oprah Winfrey and Harry Styles Are All Aquarians.

We have all heard about the One Direction star, Harry Styles or Alicia Keys who sings that New York song that I never know the title of. Empire State of Mind! There it is. Shakira, Jennifer Aniston, Kerry Washington and Oprah Winfrey are all icons who are lucky enough to be born during this time and are able to call themselves  Aquarians.

What all of these people have in common is that they are trying to make a difference in the world. You can look at them as some kind of rebels with a cause. That’s so “Aquarian” of them. Ladies, I saved the best for last: Michael B. Jordan.

Harry Stiles Aquarian Tatoo

Harry Stiles Loves Being An Aquarian. Check Out His Tattoo on His Wrist.

Your Number


     Aquarius is the 11th house of the zodiac in the tarot deck. The number 11 is associated with a higher source of wisdom. The Master number 11 is known for bringing knowledge and truth to society. Aquarius is also represented by the number 8. This number is also a symbol of balance, which matches perfectly with your card. 

About Storyteller Tarot

     Welcome to Storyteller Tarot. StoryTeller Tarot was started to provide insight and hope for those looking for guidance.  We all have a story to tell and Tarot Cards are no different. Each reading tells a story about you, your circumstances and those around you.  I know some readers online say, “Take what resonates with you and leave the rest.” I do not agree with that.  I believe that each reading is for a specific person. It is for entertainment and fun and maybe there will be some guidance or wisdom you will get out of it.

Book A Reading

If you would like to book a reading for yourself or gift a reading for a friend or family member, please go to 

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Capricorn – True Grit

December 22 – January 20

The Devil Made Me Do It!….Or Was That Capricorn?

storytellertarot.or The Devil Card for Capricorn

     This month at Storyteller Tarot we are featuring the foundation builders and planners of the Universe, Capricorn. It is the 10th astrological sign in the zodiac and is ruled by the planet Saturn. If you were to compare Saturn to Earth, it is about 9.5 times larger in circumference, yet is less dense than water.  Surrounded by her beautiful rings she has come to represent elegance, lightness, and rulership larger than life. The sun transits this area from December 21st to January 21st and provides the promise of new beginnings. Saturn is the 6th planet and when reduced, the Devil card adds to 6.

     Capricorn, an Earth sign, is closely affiliated with the Pentacles; the practical, the grounded, the planners and the doers of the Earth. Although represented in the Major Arcana by the Devil, I like to think about this card as the true Grit Builder of the Tarot. As you can see by the image on the card, we have a horned male figure with bat-like wings to take flight, his body is part beast and he is perched slightly above the rest of us, as if to rule and hord its presence over us. There are two human figures chained to the ringed chair of the Devil, but loosely, one male, one female who both are horned. They affiliate with a much larger temptation, however, the chains they carry can very easily be escaped if the two people can muster up the courage to do so. They are caught between the Devil and Temperance and show the need for patience and fortitude in order to resist the Devil. 

Although Capricorn is represented with the number 15 (Adds To 6) ie. the card of the Devil,

I’ve nicknamed this card The Builder of True Grit. Here is why…

     Capricorns are ambitious and organized. They are constantly working and setting new goals for themselves and sometimes others. Capricorns are family-oriented people and value every little thing from their past and present. They take their work very seriously and because of this they can come off as a know it all. Capricorns can be stubborn, unforgiving, and reserved. They are planners and methodical, confident, and as the Greek fable implies, are flexible and resourceful, even transforming themselves into something else in order to reach their goals. 

     Capricorn is identified as the satyr, Pan, the god with a goat’s horns and legs, who saved himself from the monster, Typhon, by giving himself a fish’s tail, becoming a sea – goat and diving into a river to save himself. Overall, this card is about feeling stuck or trapped and that is represented by the slaves in chains as depicted in the cards. However, the chains are loose, so the individuals could leave if they wanted to divest themselves of these entrapments. How is that connected with Capricorn? They often feel restricted by the expectations of those around them and their own expectations. In the end, they find an opportunity to free themselves. Furthermore, The Devil card encourages you to face your shadow-self in order to gather the knowledge necessary for spiritual transformation. It advises you to reflect on any negativity that has made you doubt yourself, swap it for confidence and hold fast to your highest vision of who you are.

     Overall, this card is about feeling stuck or trapped and that is represented by the slaves in chains as depicted in the cards. However, the chains are loose, so the individuals could leave if they wanted to divest themselves of these entrapments. How is that connected with Capricorn? They often feel restricted by the expectations of those around them and their own expectations. In the end, they find an opportunity to free themselves. Furthermore, The Devil card encourages you to face your shadow-self in order to gather the knowledge necessary for spiritual transformation. It advises you to reflect on any negativity that has made you doubt yourself, swap it for confidence and hold fast to your highest vision of who you are.

StorytellerTarot The World Card 21 also resonates Capricorn energy

The World Card Resonates Capricorn Energy as well.


     The World Card is another card that carries the energy of Capricorn and can also be found in the Major Arcana. It marks completion and is a place where a slightly clothed cherub appears with two scepters or some say scrolls, orchestrating the energies of the four elements, Earth, Air, Water Fire. What will she conjure up next?


Minor Arcana Cards Representing Capricorn in the Tarot

     There are many wonderful energies of Capricorn in the Tarot. For example, the 7 of Pentacles depicts a woman, the mistress of her estate, walking through her garden, with a sunflower in hand, signifying a harvest, satisfaction and happiness. She stops to reflect upon what she has grown thus far as she gazes upon a tree with seven Pentacles. How does she grow these seven Pentacles into ten?

      In addition the Ace of Pentacles, (New Beginning of Substance), the Knight of Pentacles. Someone of importance making a serious offer and although the slowest moving Knight in the Minor Arcana, when he arrives, he arrives with an offer that is committed and long-lasting. We see the growth of Capricorn when represented in the Nine of Pentacles. Here we are witness to a very elegantly dressed woman in yellow standing below a trellis of Pentacles.

Capricorn Ace, Knight and Nine of Pentacles. She is glancing down and reaching slightly forward with her hand to nurture what she has. She has been successful in building her Seven of Pentacles into Nine, thus providing her with more abundance and stability. She has built a solid foundation estate on her own and finds that she is filled with joy, yet humbled, as she knows how she had to plan, exercise temperance and how hard she had to work to do so.


     Are you a Capricorn? Are you in love with a Capricorn or do you work with a Capricorn? Do you know what significators represent your energy in the Major and Minor Arcana and which of those are compatible with you? According to astrology, Capricorns are most compatible with Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces. These water signs are said to balance the Capricorn’s Earthliness. However, I am a Leo and my mother was a Capricorn and for this I am so very grateful.  What other sign could have managed a household of ten, feed, clothe and educate us and provide a creative and entertaining environment. Capricorns like partners that are committed, reliable, passionate, and hard working. It is no surprise that Capricorns get along best with people similar to them. When a Capricorn is in a relationship (romantic or platonic) with a person who is not as committed or passionate, they can get frustrated and unhappy. Because Capricorns can be serious creatures, they also attract partners that can bring out a more fun and free side of their personality. Balance is key when it comes to Capricorn relationships. 


     Ever wondered if you have a job made in heaven for you? Well, if you are a Capricorn, these might be just the perfect occupations for you. Are you someone who has a logical mind and approaches everything practically? Finance, accounting, and investment are the languages of business and would be very successful professions for you.  The ideal job for a Capricorn comes with working with numbers, finances, keeping bank accounts and mutual funds organized. Capricorn as a computer programmer? I say yes! Capricorns have exceptional problem-solving and organizational skills. Coding and data management are natural skills for the She-Goat. While this job is boring for a lot of people, Capricorn thrives in it. 

Celebrity Capricorns

     Many of your favorite celebrities are Capricorns. Timothy Chalemate, Jared Letto, Ryan Seacrest, and Michele Obama to name a few. It is no surprise that these celebrities are Capricorns. From leading big motion pictures, to leading the country, these people are hard working, ambitious with vision. Although none of these Capricorns are accountants or coders, they are leaders of meticulous industries.

Your Number

     Each card in tarot is associated with a certain number. The Devil is the tarot card number 15. It is the 15th card of the Major Arcana; 1 and 5 adds up to 6; Saturn is the 6th planet. The Devil and The Lovers cards are connected to each other although The Lovers Card does not carry Capricorn energy. 

About Storyteller Tarot

     Welcome to Storyteller Tarot. StoryTeller Tarot was started to provide insight and hope for those looking for guidance.  We all have a story to tell and Tarot Cards are no different. Each reading tells a story about you, your circumstances and those around you.  I know some readers online say, “Take what resonates with you and leave the rest.” I do not agree with that.  I believe that each reading is for a specific person. It is for entertainment and fun and maybe there will be some guidance or wisdom you will get out of it.

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