December 22 – January 20
The Devil Made Me Do It!….Or Was That Capricorn?
This month at Storyteller Tarot we are featuring the foundation builders and planners of the Universe, Capricorn. It is the 10th astrological sign in the zodiac and is ruled by the planet Saturn. If you were to compare Saturn to Earth, it is about 9.5 times larger in circumference, yet is less dense than water. Surrounded by her beautiful rings she has come to represent elegance, lightness, and rulership larger than life. The sun transits this area from December 21st to January 21st and provides the promise of new beginnings. Saturn is the 6th planet and when reduced, the Devil card adds to 6.
Capricorn, an Earth sign, is closely affiliated with the Pentacles; the practical, the grounded, the planners and the doers of the Earth. Although represented in the Major Arcana by the Devil, I like to think about this card as the true Grit Builder of the Tarot. As you can see by the image on the card, we have a horned male figure with bat-like wings to take flight, his body is part beast and he is perched slightly above the rest of us, as if to rule and hord its presence over us. There are two human figures chained to the ringed chair of the Devil, but loosely, one male, one female who both are horned. They affiliate with a much larger temptation, however, the chains they carry can very easily be escaped if the two people can muster up the courage to do so. They are caught between the Devil and Temperance and show the need for patience and fortitude in order to resist the Devil.
Although Capricorn is represented with the number 15 (Adds To 6) ie. the card of the Devil,
I’ve nicknamed this card The Builder of True Grit. Here is why…
Capricorns are ambitious and organized. They are constantly working and setting new goals for themselves and sometimes others. Capricorns are family-oriented people and value every little thing from their past and present. They take their work very seriously and because of this they can come off as a know it all. Capricorns can be stubborn, unforgiving, and reserved. They are planners and methodical, confident, and as the Greek fable implies, are flexible and resourceful, even transforming themselves into something else in order to reach their goals.
Capricorn is identified as the satyr, Pan, the god with a goat’s horns and legs, who saved himself from the monster, Typhon, by giving himself a fish’s tail, becoming a sea – goat and diving into a river to save himself. Overall, this card is about feeling stuck or trapped and that is represented by the slaves in chains as depicted in the cards. However, the chains are loose, so the individuals could leave if they wanted to divest themselves of these entrapments. How is that connected with Capricorn? They often feel restricted by the expectations of those around them and their own expectations. In the end, they find an opportunity to free themselves. Furthermore, The Devil card encourages you to face your shadow-self in order to gather the knowledge necessary for spiritual transformation. It advises you to reflect on any negativity that has made you doubt yourself, swap it for confidence and hold fast to your highest vision of who you are.
Overall, this card is about feeling stuck or trapped and that is represented by the slaves in chains as depicted in the cards. However, the chains are loose, so the individuals could leave if they wanted to divest themselves of these entrapments. How is that connected with Capricorn? They often feel restricted by the expectations of those around them and their own expectations. In the end, they find an opportunity to free themselves. Furthermore, The Devil card encourages you to face your shadow-self in order to gather the knowledge necessary for spiritual transformation. It advises you to reflect on any negativity that has made you doubt yourself, swap it for confidence and hold fast to your highest vision of who you are.
The World Card is another card that carries the energy of Capricorn and can also be found in the Major Arcana. It marks completion and is a place where a slightly clothed cherub appears with two scepters or some say scrolls, orchestrating the energies of the four elements, Earth, Air, Water Fire. What will she conjure up next?
Minor Arcana Cards Representing Capricorn in the Tarot
There are many wonderful energies of Capricorn in the Tarot. For example, the 7 of Pentacles depicts a woman, the mistress of her estate, walking through her garden, with a sunflower in hand, signifying a harvest, satisfaction and happiness. She stops to reflect upon what she has grown thus far as she gazes upon a tree with seven Pentacles. How does she grow these seven Pentacles into ten?
In addition the Ace of Pentacles, (New Beginning of Substance), the Knight of Pentacles. Someone of importance making a serious offer and although the slowest moving Knight in the Minor Arcana, when he arrives, he arrives with an offer that is committed and long-lasting. We see the growth of Capricorn when represented in the Nine of Pentacles. Here we are witness to a very elegantly dressed woman in yellow standing below a trellis of Pentacles.
She is glancing down and reaching slightly forward with her hand to nurture what she has. She has been successful in building her Seven of Pentacles into Nine, thus providing her with more abundance and stability. She has built a solid foundation estate on her own and finds that she is filled with joy, yet humbled, as she knows how she had to plan, exercise temperance and how hard she had to work to do so.
Are you a Capricorn? Are you in love with a Capricorn or do you work with a Capricorn? Do you know what significators represent your energy in the Major and Minor Arcana and which of those are compatible with you? According to astrology, Capricorns are most compatible with Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces. These water signs are said to balance the Capricorn’s Earthliness. However, I am a Leo and my mother was a Capricorn and for this I am so very grateful. What other sign could have managed a household of ten, feed, clothe and educate us and provide a creative and entertaining environment. Capricorns like partners that are committed, reliable, passionate, and hard working. It is no surprise that Capricorns get along best with people similar to them. When a Capricorn is in a relationship (romantic or platonic) with a person who is not as committed or passionate, they can get frustrated and unhappy. Because Capricorns can be serious creatures, they also attract partners that can bring out a more fun and free side of their personality. Balance is key when it comes to Capricorn relationships.
Ever wondered if you have a job made in heaven for you? Well, if you are a Capricorn, these might be just the perfect occupations for you. Are you someone who has a logical mind and approaches everything practically? Finance, accounting, and investment are the languages of business and would be very successful professions for you. The ideal job for a Capricorn comes with working with numbers, finances, keeping bank accounts and mutual funds organized. Capricorn as a computer programmer? I say yes! Capricorns have exceptional problem-solving and organizational skills. Coding and data management are natural skills for the She-Goat. While this job is boring for a lot of people, Capricorn thrives in it.
Celebrity Capricorns
Many of your favorite celebrities are Capricorns. Timothy Chalemate, Jared Letto, Ryan Seacrest, and Michele Obama to name a few. It is no surprise that these celebrities are Capricorns. From leading big motion pictures, to leading the country, these people are hard working, ambitious with vision. Although none of these Capricorns are accountants or coders, they are leaders of meticulous industries.
Your Number
Each card in tarot is associated with a certain number. The Devil is the tarot card number 15. It is the 15th card of the Major Arcana; 1 and 5 adds up to 6; Saturn is the 6th planet. The Devil and The Lovers cards are connected to each other although The Lovers Card does not carry Capricorn energy.
About Storyteller Tarot
Welcome to Storyteller Tarot. StoryTeller Tarot was started to provide insight and hope for those looking for guidance. We all have a story to tell and Tarot Cards are no different. Each reading tells a story about you, your circumstances and those around you. I know some readers online say, “Take what resonates with you and leave the rest.” I do not agree with that. I believe that each reading is for a specific person. It is for entertainment and fun and maybe there will be some guidance or wisdom you will get out of it.
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