
Libra – Social Butterfly Libra

Sept. 23 – Oct. 22

Libra is the seventh astrological sign in the zodiac. It spans 180°–210° celestial longitude. The Sun transits this sign on average between September 22 and October 23. The symbol of the scales is based on the Scales of Justice held by Themis, the Greek personification of divine law and custom.

Ruled by Venus, Libra is a loving sign that focuses strongly on partnership and prioritizes the needs of others. This sign of the Scales is blessed with a natural sense of right and wrong, making them very focused on justice, honesty, and fairness. As the sign of balance, Libra represents both the head and the heart — they focus on logic and fact to ensure everything is on the up-and-up, but really thrive in the mutual feelings and closeness of one-on-one relationships. Beautiful both inside and out, Libra stands for harmony, elegance, and equality. Justice

Major Arcana

The Justice card, as a member of the tarot deck, appears in early tarot, such as the Tarot de Marseilles. It is part of the tarot’s Major Arcana, and usually follows the Chariot, as card VIII, although some decks vary from this pattern. The virtue Justice accompanies two of the other cardinal virtues in the Major Arcana: temperance and strength.  The figure on the card holds a scale made of gold in their left hand, symbolizing a balanced decision.[1]

Minor Arcana

Libra, the social butterfly with head and heart, flits about through life, there lives a deep sense of truth.  In the two of swords one sword points to earthly foundations while other is raised to higher more spiritual ground. It is decision making time, but rather than weighing the scales of justice, Libra measures what is practical versus the value of what is best for the soul. With the three of swords Libra collaborates with comrades in arms working toward a common goal. In the four of swords are comrades are joined by one and are in direct competition with one another, creating chaos and trauma.  “Can’t we all just get along?” libra

Celebrity Libras

Will Smith, doles out justice with a slap.  Snoop Dog, gregarious and talented, and hugely successful handles his own deals and creates his own path. Simon Cowell, brings the world together under the umbrella of talent. Not always the friendliest guy in the world his family counts and he will go to every extreme to meet their needs and protect them.  Serena Williams, Kim Kardashian, Donald Glover, Selena Gomez all uniquely creative with undeniable personalities.

Lucky Numbers

Look for synchronicity with the numbers 5, 6, 9 because these are yours. And in terms of years, look for numbers that are 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60 or add to those numbers.  Go ahead now.  Just because we mention it here, we know you will find all sorts of coincidences related to these numbers.

Thanks for joining me Libras and friends of Libra.  See you next month when Scorpio raises its tail to make itself known.  If you want a personal reading or consulting services check out our packages.  They make great presents during the holiday.


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